At Vale View Dental Care, we're dedicated to your overall health and well-being. This World No Tobacco Day, we want to highlight the amazing benefits of quitting smoking.
Here’s how your body starts to heal once you quit:
8 Hours After Quitting: Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in your blood reduce by half, and oxygen levels return to normal.
24 Hours After Quitting: Carbon monoxide is eliminated, and your lungs begin to clear out mucus and debris.
48 Hours After Quitting: Nicotine is completely out of your body, and your senses of taste and smell improve.
72 Hours After Quitting: Breathing becomes easier, and energy levels start to rise.
2-12 Weeks After Quitting: Circulation improves, enhancing overall health.
3-9 Months After Quitting: Coughs and wheezing decrease, and lung function improves by up to 10%.
1 Year Smokefree: Your risk of a heart attack is half that of a smoker.
10 Years Smokefree: The risk of lung cancer is half that of a smoker.
15 Years Smokefree: Your risk of a heart attack is the same as someone who has never smoked.
Ready to quit? The Help Me Quit Wales service offers support. Request a call back here.
Interested in joining our practice? We're currently accepting new patients. Schedule your appointment now at 01656 721145.