🚭 Stoptober is the perfect time to quit smoking and take back control of your health. When you quit, more oxygen flows to your skin, making it brighter ✨, and your teeth will stop getting stained with tar.🦷

The Facts:
2 out of 3 smokers will die from smoking unless they quit.
On average, smokers lose 10 years of life, or about 1 year for every 4 years of smoking after the age of 30.
The most common reasons people quit smoking are concerns about future health, cost, and comments from family or friends.
The Health Benefits of Quitting:
When you quit smoking, the benefits start almost immediately:
After 8 hours: Harmful carbon monoxide levels in your blood are cut in half.
After 48 hours: Your senses of taste and smell begin to improve.
After 2 to 12 weeks: Your circulation improves.
After 3 to 9 months: Lung function increases by up to 10%.
Evidence also shows that once you get past the short-term withdrawal stage, your anxiety, depression, and stress levels decrease, and your mood becomes more positive than those who continue to smoke.
Make this #Stoptober the moment you break free from smoking for good! Your future self will thank you. 🌟